Sacred Geometry 64 Card Oracle Deck – Inspiration


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Cultivate Inspiration into your life for it is of the utmost importance. It is the master key for opening all doors to perfect health, happiness and abundance in all areas of your life. Open the gateway to the unexplored regions of the Universe, beyond the experience of mankind. Aspire to find this attribute in everything you do.

Inspiration comes in many forms, such as being inspired by persons on the earthly plane . It is through their courage, and actions, determination and words; and you can also receive their inspired thoughts.

There is a form of inspired communication through which we can receive messages from those who have passed from the physical plane. One form is in which the person’s mind is elevated to the spiritual thought world. There is Group Inspired genius where a group of Holy Spirits or Masters meet to disseminate the Higher Truths of the spiritual world for the elevation of humanity.

One can be inspired and receive from the Higher Beings in the Sun and beyond the Sun that enters the soul with the cosmic rays.

However, the complete and perfect Inspiration comes from the Infinite Spirit itself within you. This is the highest form and most sought after by the Masters and the Adepts. It is the I AM Presence within you where there is no limitation. The greatest of all Inspiration comes directly from God, Source.

Divine Genius enables you to unfold and develop your Divine Gifts. When you desire this attribute, desire the highest and you will receive it, and the channel through which you receive your inspiring ideas and innovations will be the correct channel.